Beautiful Altadena, CA

View from Pasadena, CA looking at Altadena, CA - January 8th, 2025

All that remains of who I was is what I was when I left the house: I am a father and husband. In a way the fire took everything, and in a way it is reminding me of what is the most important part of my identity.
— Josiah Conrad

View from Glendale, CA @ Sunrise
looking towards Altadena, CA.
January 8th, 2025

Eaton Fire - January 7th, 2025

On Tuesday January 7, 2025, a fire erupted in Eaton Canyon in the San Gabriel Mountains. With ferocious winds reaching up to 100mph driven by the Santa Ana winds as well as the Pacific Palisades fire, which started earlier that day, no one saw the devastation that was about to come.

The fire quickly grew in size to over 10,000 acres in just a little over 12 hours. Evacuation orders were missed for over half of the residents. Most of those residents were on the west side of Altadena.

Homes were lost, businesses were shattered, and families were displaced. It's heartbreaking to see the impact on our neighbors – friends, families, and members of our community who have built their lives in Altadena.

Altadena is a special community that’s full of history in Los Angeles. A community that I called home for 10 years and still spend almost every day in. Raised my two boys in, where our spiritual home Mercy Town is, a place where my sister made a home for the last year with her family.

With all the information floating around and people asking for ways to help, I decided to make a page with some resources for ways to get involved.

There are thousands of GoFundMe campaigns across Los Angeles and I can’t list them all, but below are the ones that I know or my wife knows personally and/or are connected in some way. After receiving hundreds of texts, messages, and emails, I thought this would be best to try to organize everything in one central location.

Thank you all for your help and to those who have helped already! It’s truly making a difference in the lives that were impacted. I’ve seen friends and family cry because of the overwhelming generosity that people have shown across the country. I’ve heard stories from the surrounding communities and strangers of how people came together and stepped up to show support.

These fires in Los Angeles were so destructive that someone knows someone in LA that was affected.

As time goes on I will try to continue to add to this page with more information as it comes along.

Thank you all for your kindness and support.

- Myles Matsuno

Some ways to help

Some ways to help

“My parents purchased this home 30 years ago. I must rebuild to honor their sacrific. We will rise from the ashes.”

Kim Hood @ Harriet St.