“UNTITLED ULTRA 100 MILES” (Working Title)
Short Synopsis: A documentary following an Asian American trail runner who will be the first cancer survivor to complete the 100 mile distance post liver transplant.
Film Type: Documentary
Status: Currently in Production - Filming
Release Date: TBD
Partners: Running Rabbit, USC Living Donor Liver Transplant Program, Cris Klug Foundation.
“TO THERE AND BACK” (Working Title)
Short Synopsis: A documentary based on three Mexican/American women crossing the Mexico/US border who make sacrifices for education, family, and work in search of living the “American Dream”.
Film Type: Documentary
Status: Currently in Production - Filming
Release Date: TBD
Fiscal Sponsor: Calexico Arts Council - Calexico, CA
FIRST TO GO (Feature Script)
Logline: After the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, Ichiro Kataoka was forced from his home and family. He was first and 120,000 Americans were next.
Synopsis: A couple hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, Ichiro Kataoka was the first San Francisco Japanese Prisoner taken by the FBI from his hotel in Japan Town. Unaware of the events that took place in Hawaii, the Kataoka family would have never thought seeing Ichiro handcuffed behind his back would be the last image they would hold on of him for roughly 3 years.
As tension ran high, with racial discrimination and betrayal filling the streets of San Francisco, it became clear that the reason for Ichiro being taken was because of his leadership within the Japanese community and his sense of compassion to those "fresh off the boat" coming from Japan. With Ichiro now gone his wife Shige and 4 daughters must preserver on their own as they will eventually all be held prisoner in concentration camps issued by President Roosevelt through Executive Order 9066.
Now, as they leave everything behind and only bringing a suitcase of belongings with them, they hold onto what can't be taken away: family. As seasons pass we follow the family separated. Watching their lives unfold, new relationships arise, and hoping for an old love to rekindle and be united once again.
Status: Script Completed.
WE’RE THE PEOPLE (2019 - On-Going)
About: A docu-series focusing on people and why they do what they do.